Published on 1961 by
The studies were primarily directed toward selection of the optimum loading for Core lA and a prediction of its properties. Included are analyses of some relevant experiments on Core 1, and prelimlnary modifications of Core 1 to Core lA. The factors which must be considered for the optimum loading determination are discussed. Four different loading pattenrs were investigated, which were considered to span the numerous possibilitles. Adequate cold shutdown was found to be almost unobtainable without the use of boric acid. For this reason, and because the heat transfer and stability limitations are severe, greater weight was given to heat transfer as opposed to control requirements. The use of boron-stainless steel poison strips fastened to the sides of the spike elements is considered insofar as in improving the loading from either the heat transfer or control standpoint. The relatlve advantages and disadvantages of the use of stainless steel fuel followers as opposed to Zircaloy followers are discussed. (B.O.G.).
This Book was ranked at 30 by Google Books for keyword physics core.
Book ID of EBWR CORE 1A PHYSICS ANALYSIS.'s Books is leH-vgEACAAJ, Book which was written by have ETAG "ELi7Ah5tRKI"
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